Need Volunteers for Communications

HELP! TCDC is looking for volunteers with experience in graphic design, news writing and editing, media relations, social media and other communications skills to help boost our messaging for 2024—a big year, when we can be the deciding factor in flipping our congressional district by electing Josh Riley—and into the future. We can be infinitely flexible about schedules and number of hours worked. As long as you’re good at meeting deadlines and you enjoy promoting Democratic values and candidates, we can work out an arrangement to accommodate your busy life.   Interested? Contact Claudia Wheatley, and let’s talk!

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Social (Media) Security

Do you use Facebook? Instagram? Tik Tok? The app formerly known as Twitter? TCDC is interested in knowing where you’re at on social media (or if you aren’t on social media at all—that’s also worth knowing!). We want to be where you are, so we can get breaking information and time-sensitive content to you ASAP between editions of DASH. Take a minute and let us know which you use. If you have another minute, feel free to offer suggestions, observations and experiences—it all helps us communicate better with YOU. Facebook X (formerly Twitter) Instagram TikTok Other (please specify) Let us know your preferences in an email to

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Message from the Chair, December 2023

2023: The Long and Short of It It’s December, and it’s sort of strange to think 2023 is almost over. It was packed with so much activity, the year seemed both incredibly long and very short at the same time. Taken as a whole, our 2023 local elections were a wonderful success—a real tribute to the energy and dedication all of you poured into carrying petitions, canvassing, writing and designing campaign literature and the myriad other tasks that go into an election. Of course, it helped that we had such a deep bench of smart, talented, service-oriented Democrats to present to voters. It will be exciting to see how the quality of life improves in our towns and city under their executive and legislative leadership. Looking ahead, 2024 promises to be just as challenging as 2023. The presidential election is one of the most consequential of my life, and I imagine the same holds true for you. Then there is the race for Congress, and the chance to help elect a Democratic representative for Tompkins County for the first time since 2010! We will also work to reelect State Senator Lea Webb and Assemblywoman Anna Kelles. Boosting Democratic turnout is […]

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Cross-aisle endorsements for NYS Supreme Court candidate

Endorsements came from both sides of the aisle for New York State Supreme Court candidate Deirdre Hay in recent weeks. Supporters include former Chair of the Town of Ithaca Republican Committee Melinda Oakes, State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, and a candidate for Otsego County Clerk, MacGuire Benton. Local Assemblymember Anna Kelles and Diane Lechner, President of the NYS Federation of Democratic Women, have also endorsed Hay’s candidacy. “Deirdre Hay has exceptional courtroom experience, and is a recognized leader of our state’s legal profession who has worked with senior judges to improve our judicial system,” said Assemblymember Kelles. Comptroller DiNapoli cited “Deirdre Hay’s years of courtroom, classroom, and community service experience,” which, he said, “make her the best qualified candidate to keep politics out of the courtroom and ensure equal justice for all.” “Deirdre is relatable because she is authentic, and she is authentic because she is a lawyer first and foremost, not a politician,” said Federation President Lechner. “She is exactly the kind of New York State Supreme Court Justice we need to elect at this moment in history.”

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Governor, Assemblymember endorse Alderman Cantelmo for Ithaca Mayor

Ithaca mayoral candidate Robert Cantelmo picked up two nice endorsements in recent weeks: One from New York Governor Kathy Hochul and one from local Assemblymember Anna Kelles. “Robert Cantelmo has committed himself to public service to build a better life for his neighbors and community in Ithaca,” Hochul said, in a statement. “I believe Robert is the best candidate to address the housing crisis, promote an inclusive economic recovery, and help advance New York’s transition to a green economy because he has proven himself to be a leader with the passion and experience to get big things done. “I am proud to endorse Robert Cantelmo for Mayor of Ithaca and look forward to continuing to work with him to build a more affordable and livable New York for all,” Hochul added. Cantelmo noted that “Governor Hochul has delivered time and again for New Yorkers, from protecting reproductive rights, to strengthening our gun safety laws, and saving Ithaca Carshare. Her bold action on the state’s housing crisis is a testament to her leadership and policy vision. I am proud and honored to receive the governor’s endorsement, and I look forward to working closely with her administration to lift Ithaca to new […]

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House Sitting – November 2023

by Ann Reichlin Congressman Marc Molinaro cannot be trusted. On this point, most Democrats in New York’s Congressional District 19 would agree. And based on the comments on his Facebook page, it’s likely that his Republican base agrees on this point as well. That’s because Marc Molinaro stands for nothing. When you behave like a weather vane and base your votes on which way the political winds are blowing, you run into trouble when your party’s crosscutting ideological winds become a hurricane. The House GOP is so dysfunctional that in spite of controlling the chamber, it couldn’t even agree on who should be the Speaker. Throughout Molinaro’s brief time on Capitol Hill, he has pitched himself as a moderate. Many of his votes suggest that this is not the case. His series of votes in the Speaker saga only underscore his lack of core values. Act 1: Molinaro does not vote to oust McCarthy (team player, owes his job to McCarthy). Act 2: Molinaro keeps his head down (maybe nobody will notice me). Act 3: Molinaro supports insurrectionist Jim Jordan (claims his constituents don’t care and wouldn’t know the Speaker if a truck backed into them). Act 4: Molinaro supports […]

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Message from the Chair – November 2023

Shout Out: Thank you for getting out the Democratic Vote! In Tompkins County, more than 50 Democrats have stepped up to serve their communities as town supervisors, board members, clerks and justices. Now, with early voting underway and Election Day next Tuesday, I see everyone working hard, as a team, to Get Out The Vote (GOTV). My message this month is a shout out to YOU. You’re the ones who are leading the charge to GOTV across each of the wards and towns. Your interactions with your committees and voters activates volunteers and energizes them to canvass, develop content for voter mailers, make phone calls, manage messages for your personal or a town or ward social media, do texting.Then there is the distribution of candidate lawn signs. GOTV work is essential in motivating Democratic voters, now and into the future. The fall weather has given way at times to rain and more rain, a challenge for door to door canvassing, yet you continue knocking on doors. Your enthusiasm for our candidates sparks Democratic voter interest.Your voice engages them. In an age when it’s hard to make people look up from their smart phones and laptop screens, you understand the purpose […]

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House Sitting

by Ann Reichlin According to the September 19 Cook Report, Marc Molinaro is a toss-up Republican. Perhaps that’s why Mr. Molinaro threw himself into the GOP’s  budget war: A war that they waged against themselves. And he is demonstrating his magic power of morphing to meet the moment. On the one hand, he voted with leadership to advance a continuing resolution to keep the government running. The next minute he collaborated with the prime bomb thrower in the GOP’s Crazy Caucus—the notorious Matt Gaetz—on legislation that moved the Washington Examiner to observe that “Even if the plan manages to work, it won’t get them any closer to avoiding a government shutdown.” Mr. Molinaro cast plenty of odious yes votes, some of them for anti-environment amendments. One would prohibit funding to implement the Paris Climate Accords. Another would prohibit funds to carry out executive orders pertaining to climate change. A third would limit the salary for the Special Envoy for Climate. It is fair to ask, based on these votes, whether Marc Molinaro is a climate change denialist. Then there was another failed attempt by the GOP to pass a Continuing Resolution with only Republican votes. Molinaro voted yes on this […]

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Message from the Chair

A Blue Dot in a Red Upstate Sea I have been Chair of the Tompkins County Democratic Committee for 20 months, and it has been a whirlwind experience. This includes the day-to-day leadership role of the chair and the seeming crisis-of-the-week issues that pop up. During this time I have been privileged to meet and work with many amazing people who, like me, are volunteering their time to the Democratic Party and to ensuring that democracy thrives. This inspires me to keep pushing forward for all of you. Tompkins County is special for many reasons, but the one most relevant to TCDC is the fact that we are a blue dot in a sea of red in upstate New York. Our county committee plays a critical role in electing Democrats to local offices in 2023, as well as offices in the State Assembly and State Senate, and the House and Senate in Washington, DC, in 2024. Next year will also see the election of the President of the United States—and with that comes the future of our democracy. We have a unique opportunity as a county, so let’s take full advantage of it, together. A few of the accomplishments over […]

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House Sitting

With Congress in recess, now is a good time to reflect on a simple fact: Democrats get things done by Ann Reichlin Given the tsunami of news pertaining to the indictments of the former president, the actual positive impacts of legislation passed by Democrats and signed by Joe Biden hardly get noticed. Here are just two examples of how Democrats get things done: Making the Internet More Affordable Having access to high-speed, affordable service is essential to success in our internet-connected world. The Affordable Connectivity Program, passed as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, helps offset the cost of broadband by offering a $30-per-month credit on broadband bills for income-eligible customers. Tribal customers are eligible for additional credits. Access this program through the websites of internet providers such as Spectrum and Verizon. Energy Tax Credits The Inflation Reduction Act passed by a Democratic Congress and signed by Democratic president Joe Biden provides several tax credits for energy efficiency and clean energy. This link to the IRS page shows what types of federal energy credits are available this year. A recent Washington Post story describes other ways the Inflation Reduction Act works towards clean energy goals.

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