Message from the Chair


A Blue Dot in a Red Upstate Sea

I have been Chair of the Tompkins County Democratic Committee for 20 months, and it has been a whirlwind experience. This includes the day-to-day leadership role of the chair and the seeming crisis-of-the-week issues that pop up. During this time I have been privileged to meet and work with many amazing people who, like me, are volunteering their time to the Democratic Party and to ensuring that democracy thrives. This inspires me to keep pushing forward for all of you.
Tompkins County is special for many reasons, but the one most relevant to TCDC is the fact that we are a blue dot in a sea of red in upstate New York. Our county committee plays a critical role in electing Democrats to local offices in 2023, as well as offices in the State Assembly and State Senate, and the House and Senate in Washington, DC, in 2024. Next year will also see the election of the President of the United States—and with that comes the future of our democracy. We have a unique opportunity as a county, so let’s take full advantage of it, together.
A few of the accomplishments over the past 20 months include expanding our donor base, which helps with our successful fund-raising efforts; visits by Governor Hochul and Comptroller DiNapoli in support of our blue dot in upstate New York; this monthly newsletter, which reaches 1,500 people; fostering leadership among members, and addressing a number of difficult and complex issues facing TCDC. For example, TCDC worked with the leadership of the City Democratic Committee to strategize redistricting on numerous levels. Another issue was the purposeful switching of party affiliation by Town of Caroline Republicans to affect the outcome of a primary election.
I will continue to dedicate my energy and time to seeing that TCDC improves its effectiveness and impact across our communities. We will continue a recruitment campaign to increase our membership and help broaden its diversity. I will also continue to be transparent and fair in my interactions, and I remain committed to enhancing leadership of the chairs of wards and towns.
Finally, we must stand together in unity as Democrats. In today’s world of extremes, we can’t afford divisiveness. If we let that happen it will be our undoing. Nothing less than our democracy is at stake.

Linda Hoffmann, Chair
Tompkins County Democratic Committee

Posted in Tompkins County.