New York State has recently enacted a law that will change the ability of voters who have applied for an absentee ballot to vote in person on the voting machine. In the past, voters who applied for an absentee ballot could change their minds and vote in person on a voting machine either during early voting or on Election Day. Their absentee ballots, if completed and sent in to the Board of Elections, would then be set aside unopened. With this new law, voters who have applied for an absentee ballot may still go to the polls on Election Day, but they will no longer be able to vote on the machine. If they wish to vote in-person, it will be by affidavit ballot only. If you have any questions about this law, please call the Board of Elections at (607) 274-5522.
Qualifications To Vote By Absentee Ballot
1. Absent from your county on Election Day.
2. Unable to appear at the polls due to temporary or permanent illness or disability,
3. Unable to appear because you are the primary care giver of one or more individuals who are ill or physically disabled.
4. A resident or patient of a Veterans Health Administration Hospital.
5. Detained in jail awaiting Grand Jury action or confined in prison after conviction for an offense other than a felony.