Chair’s Message

Linda Hoffmann, Chair, TCDC

I hope that you will take a few moments of reflection for those who are dealing with the despair, anger, and anxiety of recent and recurring gun violence.  The racist hate crimes and deaths that devastated Buffalo, NY and the most recent deaths devastating the Uvalde, Texas Elementary School and now Philadelphia have been disheartening to watch.  Please take some time to care for yourselves and those in your family, friends, and community networks. I ask each of us to look outside of ourselves to seek an active path in securing “common sense gun laws” in our communities and country.

On a celebratory note on this beautiful Ithaca Festival weekend, I know that many Democrats enjoyed the local festivities.  I hope that some of you visited our Tompkins County Democratic Booth at Dewitt Park along Cayuga Street on Saturday.  It was a great opportunity to say hello to Tompkins County Democrats reminding them all of the Primaries and Special Elections taking place over the summer months on June 28th and August 23rd.  There is valuable information for all of you to review within this Newsletter about the new redistricting maps, the candidates who are running for those primaries and so much more.

Information is moving so quickly these days. Be an active member of our online community.  Just a reminder to visit out TCDC website often:

Also, please follow us on

Looking forward to seeing you on June 11th at our Wine and Cheese Fundraiser at the gallery next to The Cherry with New York State’s Comptroller Tom Di Napoli.  Happy Summer to you all.


Posted in Tompkins County.