Recent Roll Call Votes in the House of Representatives on 20 of the Most Consequential and Popular Bills in Modern History

Written by Richard Greene – author, civics educator and political communication strategist. Contact Richard at and follow him on Twitter @TheCivicsDean and Tik Tok @CivicsDean

Cateogry 1: 15 bills passed by Democrats in the House but blocked by Republicans in the Senate

  1. The Women’s Health Protection Act: Should women have a right to have an abortion in America?
    House Democrats: YES 218, NO 1; House Republicans: YES 2, NO 208
  2. The Right to Contraception Act: Should Americans have a legal right to purchase contraception?
    House Democrats: YES: 220, NO 0; House Republicans: YES 8, NO 195
  3. The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act: Should the oil industry face penalties for price gouging? House Democrats: YES 217, NO 4; House Republicans: YES 0, NO 203
  4. The Assault Weapons Ban: Should military style assault weapons be illegal for sale or purchase?
    House Democrats: YES 215, NO 5; House Republicans: YES 2, NO 208
  5. The Bipartisan Background Checks Act: Should we expand background checks to cover all gun sales?
    House Democrats: YES 219, NO 1, House Republicans: YES 8, NO 202
  6. The Paycheck Fairness Act: Should women receive equal pay for equal work in America?
    House Democrats: YES 216, NO: 0; House Republicans: YES: 1, NO: 210
  7. The Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement Act:. Should cannabis be decriminalized federally and have past non-violent arrests and convictions expunged?
    House Democrats: YES 217, NO 2; House Republicans: YES 3, NO 202
  8. The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Enhancement Act: Should we enforce the provisions of The 1965 Voting Rights Act ensuring equal treatment for all voters?
    House Democrats: YES 219, NO 0;
    House Republicans: YES 0, NO 212
  9. The Respect for Marriage Act:  Should the Constitutional Right of same sex marriage declared by The Supreme Court be codified into American law? House Democrats: YES 220, NO 0; House Republicans: YES 47, NO 157
  10. The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act: Should there be consequences for police for discriminatory and illegal policing? House Democrats: YES 219, NO 2; House Republicans: YES 1, NO 210
  11. The American Dream and Promise Act:  Should “Dreamers” who came to The US when they were young have a path to earn citizenship? House Democrats: YES 219, NO 0; House Republicans:: YES 9, NO 197
  12. The Affordable Insulin Now Act:. Should the price of pharmaceutical insulin be capped at $35? House Democrats: YES 220, NO 0; House Republicans: YES 12, NO 193
  13. Child Care for Working Families Act: Should the government subsidize the cost of child care for certain working mothers and families? House Democrats: YES 220, NO 1; House Republicans: YES 0, NO 212
  14. The Violence Against Women Act:  Should the government have and fund comprehensive responses to domestic violence, sexual assault dating violence and stalking? House Democrats: YES 215, NO 0; House Republicans: YES 29, NO 172
  15. BUILD BACK BETTER: In addition to Affordable Insulin and Child Care (above): Hearing Aids for Seniors, Child Tax Credit, Universal Pre-K: House Democrats: YES: 220, NO 0 House Republicans: YES 1, NO 212

Category 2: 4 Democratic bills that became law with unanimous support by Democrats and minor support from Republicans in the Senate

  1. The Honoring Our PACT Act: Should Veterans receive health care for serious injuries received from “burn pit” pollution while fighting in our wars?
    House Democrats: YES 222, NO 0; House Republicans: YES 34, NO 174
  2. The Invest In America Act’ (Infrastructure Bill): An historic, massive infrastructure bill for America
    House Democrats: YES: 219, NO: 0; House Republicans: YES: 2, NO 201
  3. The CHIPS and Science Act: Should we invest heavily in an American micro-processor (Chips) industry to compete with China?
    House Democrats: YES 219, NO 0; Republicans: YES 24, NO 187
  4. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act:  Should the government fund mental health, school safety and crisis intervention programs and incentivize states to include juvenile records in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System?
    House Democrats: YES 220, NO 0; House Republicans: YES 14, NO 193

Category 3: 1 Democratic bill that becamse law with zero Republican support in the Senate

    1. The Inflation Reduction Act: The largest bill to fight climate change in history, reductions in prescription drugs, a 15% minimum tax on major corporations (and many other things).
      House Democrats: YES 220, NO 1; House Republicans: YES 0, NO 212
Posted in Tompkins County.