The Biden Administration has released fact sheets showing the potential impact of the House GOP budget for 2024 on individual states. The plan cuts spending by 22 percent across the board, affecting millions of New Yorkers in almost all areas of life:
- 736,000 New Yorkers would fail to meet harsh new eligibility restrictions for food assistance via SNAP and WIC
- 397,600 New Yorker college students would compete for fewer and smaller Pell Grants
- 225,400 New York Veterans could lose access to outpatient visits in New York, leaving them unable to get appointments for care like wellness visits, mental health services, and substance disorder treatment
- 67,300 families in New York would lose access to rental assistance, including older adults, persons with disabilities, and families with children
Even as Republicans insist their goal is to rein in deficit spending,their plan also includes trillions in tax cuts for wealthy individuals and corporations,further reducing revenues.
All of New York’s House Republicans voted for the GOP budget, including local Congressman Marc Molinaro, a self-proclaimed moderate.