Message from the Chair

Equal Rights: Right for New Yorkers

TCDC Chair Linda Hoffman has turned over the July Message from the Chair to guest writer Mickey Belosi, Vice Chair of the Central New York National Organization for Women.

What excites you about the upcoming election? Is it the Presidential race? The Congressional battle? A local race where you personally know a candidate? I invite your excitement about the ballot measure on equality.

New Yorkers will decide this year if equality in our state is for everyone. The ballot asks if we will update our state constitutional statement on nondiscrimination.

The grassroots New York Equal Rights Amendment (NY ERA) campaign, led by a coalition of 225 reproductive and civil rights organizations, is committed to passing this ballot measure to guarantee that New Yorkers, not the government, can control their own lives, bodies and futures—no matter who they are, who they love, where they come from, or what reproductive health care choices they make.

Each of us can vote to guarantee abortion rights and gender rights for others. In New York a majority of voters rank these two issues as incredibly important. State laws already protect LQBTQIA folks and reproductive health. Changing the constitution by passing NY ERA will bring greater security of those rights. As we have seen, too often politicians and courts change laws in ways that threaten individual lives and freedoms. A constitutional change is more robust than laws.

In addition to reproductive rights and LQBTQIA protections the ballot initiative will protect citizens from discrimination for age, disability, religion, creed, sex, race, color, ethnicity and national origin. It is a bold statement that is suited for today and our future.

Ballot initiative language and title are expected from the New York Board of Elections by July 5. Look for the sample ballot, which will be posted at the Tompkins County Board of Elections website in September, and plan to Vote Yes!

Mickey Belosi, Vice Chair
Central New York National Organization for Women

To find out more about the ballot initiative go to New Yorkers for Equal Rights.

Posted in Tompkins County.