House Sitting

Can a person be a moderate and a Trump Toady?

by Ann Reichlin

Marc Molinaro cannot be trusted. In spite of his efforts to portray himself as a moderate, his voting record is nearly 100 percent MAGA. He has supported some of the most bizarre and irresponsible motions ever presented in the House, voting to:

  • bar funding for the salary of Secretary of Homeland Security, AlejandroMayorkas
  • bar funding for Biden’s executive order to help facilitate voter registration and voter participation
  • deny funds to implement Biden’s order to delay deportation of some Palestinians living in the United States
  • reduce funds for refugees
  • require Congressional approval before any regulation that would cost more than $100 million per year becomes final
  • deny funding to the pier in Gaza that was built to deliver humanitarian aid
  • reduce funding for the military’s research into climate change

As a MAGA Republican, Molinaro is just another Trump Toady. The problem with having a Republican congressman who prioritizes his  party and its criminal nominee over the good of the country is that we cannot trust him to do the right thing when it matters most.

If Donald Trump becomes president and enacts a backdoor abortion ban utilizing the dormant Comstock Act, will Molinaro object? No, he will not. If Trump asks his Toadies to undermine the election results if Trump doesn’t win, will Molinaro stand up for us? No, he will not. And if Trump sends federal troops into Democratic cities to exact his revenge, will Molinaro stand up for New Yorkers? No, he will not.

Molinaro lacks integrity and he lacks courage. Donald Trump is clear about his authoritarian plans if he regains the presidency. If Trump wins, Republican Representatives—including Molinaro—will suck up to him out of fear and/or greed. The only check on Trump’s power in a possible second term will be a Democratic Congress.

Molinaro’s opponent, Democrat Josh Riley, can be trusted. If he makes a promise, he will keep it. Riley knows the difference between right and wrong. He will push back against the GOP’s efforts to expand abortion bans. Riley will fight for New Yorkers if Donald Trump tries to exact revenge on our state. Unlike Molinaro, Josh Riley cares about all the people who live in NY-19, not just his supporters.

It is imperative that we vote for Josh Riley and make sure our friends and families understand the stakes of this election. If you know someone who is eligible to vote but is not registered, here is the link for helping them to find their voice:

Posted in Tompkins County.