November 2, 2021 is Election Day: News from the Tompkins County Board of Elections

In Tompkins County more than 300 people are needed to work as election inspectors and operate the polls on Election Day. In order to be a Democratic Poll Watcher you must be 17 or older, a registered Democratic voter in Tompkins County (or pre-registered if under 18), and enjoy people and service to others. Voter Registration for the General Election MAIL REGISTRATION (N.Y. Election Law Section 5-210(3)) Applications must be postmarked no later than October 8, 2021 and received by a board of elections no later than October 13, 2021 to be eligible to vote in the General Election. IN PERSON REGISTRATION (N.Y. Election Law Sections 5-210, 5-211, 5-212) You may register at your local board of elections or any state agency participating in the National Voter Registration Act, on any business day throughout the year but, to be eligible to vote in the General Election, your application must be received no later than October 8, 2021. If honorably discharged from the US Military or have become a naturalized US Citizen after October 8, 2021, you may register in person at the Board of Elections up until October 23, 2021. CHANGE OF ADDRESS (N.Y. Election Law Section 5-208(3)) Notices of change of address from registered voters […]

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Newfield and Enfield Districts 1 and 3 to vote for Vanessa Greenlee on November 2

submitted by Jim Gustafson for the Democratic View in the Tompkins Weekly, August 2021 One of the most rewarding parts of being chair of the Tompkins County Democratic Committee is meeting people with good ideas and a record of accomplishment, and helping them put their talents to work for the whole community. Vanessa Greenlee, who is running for the Newfield/Enfield (District 8) seat on the Tompkins County Legislature, is one of those people.A former middle- and high school teacher, Vanessa grew up at the opposite end of Appalachia from here in a small town called Dalton, Georgia. She, her husband and their two sons moved to Newfield in 2013 and fit right in. “I really love small towns and rural living,” she told us. Vanessa’s job at Cornell focuses on agriculture and food security. “I have a small role in a big project,” she says, with typical modestly. “We’re working to ensure that the food system can withstand pressures from climate change, and that food remains affordable.” She is running for the County Legislature in part because she feels it’s important for the county and the towns to explore how the covid-19 pandemic has changed our communities and individual lives, and […]

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Volunteering Opportunity: We Need You!

If you love to produce graphics, the TCDC needs you. This is a great volunteering opportunity to help our TCDC Committee as well as local candidates who need help with election materials. We have the software platform, Canva, that is quite intuitive. If you have a little experience doing graphic work and enjoy it please contact Renate Ferro, Director of Communications.

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Chair’s September Message

September is always an exciting month in politics since it is the start of campaign season in even years and odd years. This year we have a full slate of important local elections, including all the county legislative seats and five Ithaca City Council seats.. There are hotly contested races in several of our towns as well. The details about these contests over the next three months in this newsletter. We encourage you to get involved in the local races where you live and if there isn’t a local contested race then consider volunteering in one that is. Running successful campaigns requires good organization, volunteers and money. Please consider contributing to your local committee and to the TCDC so we can help fund these candidates, and one of the most valuable contributions you can make is to volunteer. You can help with mailings, phone calls and door to door canvassing. Thanks and see you on the campaign trail.

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Statement from NYS Democratic Chairman on Incoming Governor Kathy Hochul

New York will finally have its first female Governor and we could not be in better hands. From assisting her mother run a transitional domestic violence shelter to helping make the property tax cap permanent, Kathy Hochul has always and relentlessly fought for the people of New York. Her experience at all levels of government – Town Board Member, County Clerk, Congresswoman, and Lieutenant Governor, makes her uniquely well-equipped to effectively govern the State at this time. I am confident that incoming Governor Hochul’s empathy, work ethic and authentic concern for the welfare of its citizens will make her an outstanding Governor for our State. Jay S. Jacobs NYS Democratic Chairman

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The Tompkins County Democratic Executive Committee calls for the immediate resignation of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

The Tompkins County Democratic Executive Committee unanimously calls for Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s resignation immediately considering the New York State Attorney General Letitia James’ announcement on August 3rd. The five-month investigation of outside investigators concluded that Cuomo sexually harassed at least eleven women. We are in complete solidarity and fully support these women who have been harassed in a hostile and toxic workplace, and we thank them for having the courage to come forward with their testimony. Though the Governor has over the years championed important social causes and reforms, our confidence in Governor Cuomo’s leadership has been compromised irreparably and we urge him to resign immediately. We have full confidence in Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul and her abilities to govern our state effectively, and to also fulfill the high standards that we all expect in our democratically elected officials. Contact: Renate Ferro, TCDC Communications Director, or James Gustafson, TCDC Chair

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County Legislator Forums – 6/10 and 6/16

Hello TCDC Members and Volunteers, June is Primary month, and on June 22nd, Tompkins County Democrats will have the opportunity to choose their nominees in several contests. For the county legislature there are primary races in LD1 and LD2 in the City of Ithaca, in LD8 in Newfield and southern Enfield, and in LD13 in Dryden. There are also primary races in Ward 1 and Ward 5 of the City of Ithaca for the Common Council, and in Danby for the Town Board. If you live in any of these districts, please do your homework about the candidates and issues, and then be sure to vote on the 22nd. To help the voters in these contests be better informed, and to get to see the candidates in person virtually, the TCDC and the City of Ithaca Democratic Committee are hosting candidate forums for the county legislature and Common Council respectively. The Common Council forum was on Monday June 7th, so it will have happened by the time you get this message, but it will be live streamed on YouTube and you can watch it there anytime. Here is the link for the YouTube recording of the Common Council Forum: […]

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Ithaca City Primary Candidate Forum, June 7

The City of Ithaca Democratic Committee and the TC Democratic Committee invite interested voters to a livestream forum featuring 1st and 5th Ward primary candidates for Ithaca Common Council. 1st Ward candidates are: incumbent Cynthia Brock, and challengers, Yasmin Rashid, and Shaniya Foster. In the 5th Ward, Marty Hiller and Robert Cantelmo are each vying for a slot on the November ballot. The forum will stream live on Monday, June 7th at 7PM on YouTube. Also, the Democratic Primary is on June 22nd from 6AM to 9PM. Early Voting begins on June 12th. Ed Swayze, Chair Ithaca City Democratic Committee

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NY State Rental Assistance Application Is Open

New York State will provide $3.5 billion in assistance for renters and small businesses experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications for the program will be accepted starting June 1 for eligible New Yorkers who are behind on their rent and have suffered financial hardship due to COVID-19. The New York State Emergency Rental Assistance Program will provide assistance with up to 12 months of past-due rent, three months of prospective rental assistance and 12 months of utility arrears payments to eligible New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status. To apply, go to NYS Emergency Rental Assistance.

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School Board Elections May 18th

Tompkins County school district elections are going to take place on Tuesday, May 18, 2021. Here are links to information: Dryden School District – polls open 7:00am to 9:00pm at Middle School / High School Auditorium Budget, Candidates, Where to vote Ithaca Times Overview of Candidates Groton City School District – polls open noon to 9pm at Groton Central School District Office Budget, Candidates Ithaca City School District – polls open noon to 9pm: Complete information, including where to vote Budget Lansing School District – polls open 7:00am to 9:00pm at Elementary School Teacher Center Budget info, candidates, newsletter Newfield School District – polls open noon to 9:00pm Budget Where to vote Tompkins Weekly Overview of Candidates Trumansburg School District – polls open noon to 9:00pm Where to vote, budget, and candidate statements Ithaca Times Overview of Candidates

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